At 94 years old, Peter has faced his fair share of challenges, but his determination to stay active has never wavered. After experiencing a nasty fall that led to a hospital admission, his recovery journey took an unexpected and inspiring turn.

While in hospital, the medical staff were amazed by Peter’s upper body strength – an advantage he attributes to his regular sessions at the I Can Therapy Centre. His commitment to using our power-assisted exercise equipment had helped him maintain muscle strength, aiding in his recovery and overall resilience.

Peter’s story is a testament to the importance of staying active, regardless of age. His dedication to movement not only supported his physical recovery but also reinforced his confidence and independence.

Now, back on his feet and continuing his sessions at the I Can Therapy Centre, Peter is stronger than ever and remains an inspiration to those around him.

If Peter’s journey has motivated you or someone you know, we’re here to help. We were fortunate enough to capture Peter’s incredible journey on video – click here to watch now.

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